Community Standards

Community standards are an essential component of any thriving community program. By establishing clear and concise guidelines for behaviour, communication, and interaction, community standards help to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all participants. In our recreational community sports program, we recognize the importance of these standards and have established specific house rules to ensure that all participants understand and abide by them. From fair play and sportsmanship to safety and respect, our community standards reflect our commitment to providing a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Respect and Fair Play | Community Rules

Our recreational sports community values respect and fair play. All players, coaches, and spectators are expected to conduct themselves respectfully towards each other and the game. This means:

  1. No abusive language or behaviour towards other each other.

  2. No physical violence or unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the field.

  3. All participants must play fairly and within the rules of the game.

  4. All are expected to teach and model respect and fair play to their players.

  5. Everyone are expected to support the community positively and respectfully. No harmful or abusive comments towards everyone.

  6. All participants must be mindful of their game time as there are others who want to participate as must as you.

All participants are reminded to be caring, giving, and accountable before, during, and after the sessions.



  2. NO sliding

  3. NO charging

  4. NO showboating.

  5. NO shielding

  6. NO body contact

  7. NO whistling;

  8. GET to know your teammates, pass around the ball.

  9. IF the player is still in possession of the ball, DONT stick your leg out.

  10. Apologise when you made a mistake and learn from them.

  11. Develop together as a community.

  12. Be mindful.

  13. IF you are underaged, you must be accompanied by a guardian at all times during the session.

By adhering to this house rule and program standards, we can create a positive and safe environment for all participants in our community. Let's work together to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone involved!

 Venue Rules

To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants in our community soccer program, we have established the following venue house rules:

  1. No Smoking or Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited at all times within the venue.

  2. No Weapons: Weapons of any kind are not allowed within the venue.

  3. Trash and Litter: Participants must dispose of all trash and litter in the appropriate bins. Please keep the venue clean and tidy for all to enjoy.

  4. Footwear: Proper footwear is required at all times. Cleats may be worn on the field but should be removed before leaving the field.

  5. Respectful Behaviour: Participants are expected to conduct themselves respectfully and appropriately at all times. No abusive language, physical violence, or unsportsmanlike conduct will be tolerated.

  6. Parking: Participants should park in designated areas only. Parking in unauthorised areas or blocking other vehicles is prohibited.

  7. Facility Access: Access to certain areas of the venue may be restricted. Please respect any signs or barriers indicating restricted access.

By following these venue house rules, we can ensure that all participants in our community can enjoy a safe and pleasant experience. Please help us maintain a respectful and positive environment for all!

Social Media Practise Standards

We recognise that social media can be a powerful tool for communication and connection, but it can also be used in harmful ways that can negatively impact our community. Therefore, to promote a safe and positive environment for all participants in our community soccer program, we have established the following social media practise standards:

  1. Respectful Communication: All communication on social media platforms related to the program should be respectful and appropriate. No derogatory or insulting comments or personal attacks will be tolerated.

  2. Confidentiality: Participants should respect the privacy of other players, coaches, and program staff. Personal information should not be shared on social media without permission.

  3. Sportsmanship: Players should not use social media to disparage or criticize others. This includes commenting on their performance during sessions or commenting negatively about them outside of the program context.

  4. Reporting Concerns: If concerns or complaints are related to the program or individuals involved, these should be reported directly to the program staff and not shared on social media.

  5. Use of Images: Images or videos of others should not be shared without permission.

  6. Please tag and credit the respective photographers when posting on your social media as we want to appreciate their hard and heartful dedication to capture moments of your enjoyment.

By following these social media house rules, we can promote a positive and respectful environment for all participants in our community program. Let's work together to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone on and offline!

Report An Incident

It is vital for everyone to feel safe and supported in our community soccer program. Therefore, to address any concerns or complaints, we have established the following house rule for reporting complaints:

  1. Reporting Mechanism: Any complaints or concerns about the program, other participants, or others should be reported directly to the admins. This can be done in person, by phone, or by email.

  2. Confidentiality: All complaints will be treated with confidentiality and privacy. The complaint details will only be shared with the appropriate staff members or individuals involved in resolving the issue.

  3. Timeliness: Complaints should be reported immediately after the incident, or concern has occurred. This allows for a timely resolution and prevents issues from escalating.

  4. Investigation: The program staff will investigate all complaints fairly and impartially. All parties involved will have an opportunity to share their perspective and provide any relevant evidence.

  5. Resolution: Once the investigation is complete, the admins and committee will work to resolve the issue fairly and appropriately. This may involve disciplinary action, mediation, or other forms of resolution.

By adhering to this house rule, we can ensure that all concerns and complaints are addressed promptly and fairly. This will help to create a safe and supportive environment for all participants in our community..

The Due Process

While we strive to create a positive and supportive environment for all participants in our community, there may be times when rules are broken, or inappropriate behaviour occurs. To address these situations, we have established the following punishment house rules:

  1. Fair and Consistent: All punishment will be fair, consistent, and appropriate for the situation.

  2. Warnings: In some situations, verbal notice may be given to the participant for the first offence.

  3. Suspension: If a participant continues to violate the rules, they may be suspended from participating in the program for a specified period of time.

  4. Expulsion: In severe or repeated rules violations, a participant may be expelled from the program entirely.

  5. Appeals: Participants can appeal any punishment or disciplinary action taken against them. Requests should be made in writing to the program staff.

  6. Due Process: All punishment will be administered per due process and the participant's rights.

  7. Restitution: In cases of damage to property or harm to other participants, the responsible party may be required to make restitution.

By following these house rules, we can ensure that all participants in our community program are held accountable for their actions and that appropriate measures are taken to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all.

Liability Disclaimer

To ensure the safety and well-being of all participants in our community soccer program, we have established the following liability disclaimer:

Risk of Injury: Recreational sports is a physical sport, and participants in the program may be at risk of injury, directly or indirect. While we strive to maintain a safe environment for all participants, we cannot guarantee that injuries will not occur.

Participant Responsibility: Participants are responsible for their safety and well-being while participating in the program. They are expected to follow all safety rules and guidelines the program coordinator provides.

Release of Liability: By participating in the program, participants and their parents or guardians release the program coordinator, the venue, and from any liability for injuries or damages that may occur due to participation in the program.

Medical Information: Participants are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date medical information to the coordinator staff. This information will be kept confidential and used only to ensure the participant's safety.

Emergency Contact: Participants must provide emergency contact information to the program staff. Program coordinator will make every effort to contact the participant's designated emergency contact in an emergency.

By agreeing to this liability disclaimer, participants and their parents or guardians acknowledge the risks associated with participating in the program and assume responsibility for their safety. This helps to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants in our community.