K2k Juara

Making Vibrant Community

The initiative will organise a series of grassroots sporting programs across 10 People Housing Project (PPR) in the Klang Valley throughout the remainder of 2024. K2K Juara aims to leverage the power of sports to create positive change within these communities. The program will provide opportunities for residents to participate in various sports activities, fostering personal and potentially professional growth, skill development, and a stronger sense of belonging.

What is Kita-Untuk-Kita (K2K) Juara?

K2K Juara is a collaborative initiative between Think City, the Football Association of Selangor (FAS), padangbolasepak.com and other stakeholders, aimed at using sports to create positive social impact within low-income housing communities in the Klang Valley. This program seeks to leverage the power of sports to foster personal growth, community engagement, and a sense of belonging among residents. Through partnerships and inclusive initiatives, K2K Juara strives to build stronger, more vibrant communities while promoting equity and sustainability in urban development.



Together Let’s Build A Vibrant Community.