Football + Transportation


In order to reach a destination, be it to play football or watch football. Everyone must make the journey from point A to point B, regardless. The mode of transportation, varies from your own mode of transportation, car, motorcycle. Or taking public transportation. Or even using a ride sharing smartphone application like GRAB and UBER, thank you for the memories UBER.

Distance, money and time. Most importantly the willingness to attend a football match or playing a football game.

Huge respect for the dedicated individuals, sacrificed a lot just for football. I am quite sure, each of us know someone within our family or social circle who’s willing to make the trip, just for football. Amazing feats of the human soul.

On the flip side of it. How can the people around the sport can make it more user friendly, so that the sport can better accessed for the fans of the game and people who wants to play for fun. Especially the management people of football. One of many, of course, ample parking, a venue that is public transport friendly. If it is not, public transport friendly, could allocate resources to do a transport pooling service.

There’s a lot of ways to bring people closer to sports. One great example as a spectator, is of course, the Stadium National Bukit Jalil or now known as Kuala Lumpur Sports City, the sports hub of Malaysia. Where there is a train station directly on the footsteps of the theatre of Malaysian sports. One great example as a user of facility, is the UM Park, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Which is situated near two train stations, which is only a 10 minutes walk away.

Of course, if the venue does not have these advantages. There are ways to provide a solution to bring together. As aforementioned before earlier, creating a transportation pool service. For people who are willing to sacrifice in order to get to the venue as a fan or as a user. So that everyone can enjoy the game!