FOOTBALL | #KaranganBolaSepak

FOOTBALL | #KaranganBolaSepak by Anonymous A

My father was an athlete. Name the sport and there is slightest chance that he never done it before. Especially football where his highest level he played for Kuala Lumpur along Azman Adnan in the 80's. 

Being a son's footballer is not really helping if you really loves it but you didn't get any support to at least play and achieve your dream.

I can sense that my father experienced that football isn't everything in life importantly when injury hit and aging affect your qualities as a player. 

However, I as young eager boy always trying to play and see how far can I go with two feet and a ball. When I'm in early teenage years I still didn't fully understand how football works. Safe to say I am 'kaki bangku'.

Can you imagine, son's of footballer didn't know how to play football? Haha I didn't know how I survive back then. To make it worst my father appointed to become coach to our community team. 

My dad would lead the team in the tournament while his son sit in the bench because he didn't even know how to pass the ball properly. I was the only son in the family, so the expectation were high but I did not felt a thing back then because the only thing I cared is the enjoyment I get when the ball is at my feet. 

Getting bullied is normal on daily basis because naturally when you are introvert, beta male with lack of skill in field of course you will put down. There's one day I would walk home from field crying because the bullying gets too much.

"Bapak power main bola tapi anak...."

"Kau dapat main sekali sebab bapak kau je "

"Asal kau lain sangat dengan bapak kau eh? Kau anak angkat ke"

Haha what would you do as 13 years old. You got no one to talk at home because no one would understand because they didn't play football. The only one can really fathom that this is my father and he says,

"Main bola sikit nak menangis, macam mana nak pergi jauh"

"That is the way if you want to go far, if you can't take it forget it"

Haha things hit so hard that I learned that day no one going to look up at you except yourself.

Fast forward, I did not make it to the top but I played futsal and football in college and uni's. Make some name for myself but the most important I enjoyed the sport. I did not live under my father shadow anymore. I did not hold any grudges to my father as I understand what he wants is the best for me.

I owe so much to to football as an introvert and shy boy. The only thing I can express myself and not socially awkward is when I'm around football. 

I can say that thanks to football I made tons of friends, in and out of the pitch. I made a lot of friends who are football-mad but didn't know how to play. I mingle around them as I know I used to be like them. 

With that I also want to give thanks to you khal/padang bola sepak because you give opportunities for those who enjoyed football but have lack of skills to play. I never join you community but someday I would. Out of all thing, I still try to break this introvert bubble. Hats off for splendid works over the year.

Anonymous A


Note from During the Restriction Movement Order 2020 Malaysia to combat Covid19 - encourages you from home to write essays about our beloved game of football. Can be anything. Why you fell in love with it? Your first game watching or playing? Friendships forged? Etc. Stars the limit. ⁣

500-1,000 / more words.⁣

The objective is simple. Sharing the joy of football. Challenge you to write about the joy you may want to share. As well as keep you occupied and encourage to write. Provided that you have nothing else to do.⁣ Email us your essay with a photo attached at & we’ll post on the website as well on social media.⁣

Thank you and take care brothers and sisters.

KhalEssay, Football Essays, Essays