Pre-Season #1 & #2

“Regards to our recreational football programs. There has been an internal organisational restructuring ensuring efficiency. As well as will be beta-testing our programs internally. Once we are satisfied with the results we will relaunch our programs openly and steadily. Know this will take a lot of effort, time, and resources to get the programming right. All to ensure safety accessibility, affordability, joy, and respect for everyone participating with our programs. All in all, let’s hope 2022 will be good.” - September 27, 2021

On October 4, 2021 - We return with an internal program led by our new program coordinator. This time we return at Two Venues in Mount Kiara. One at a five a side artificial futsal field and eight-a-side artificial football field. Steadily we will work to continue to improve our programs internally as best before relaunching fully to the public. Like how we used to in 2018 - 2019, before the pandemic. Let’s hope we are heading towards better times. As always, please get vaccinated, stay safe, protect each other, and be healthy, emotionally, mentally, physically, and socially. Until the next one!

When posting the photo please do tag the following:

Photographer: @aremilworks (Instagram & Twitter)

Venue: @do.arena.163 & @do.arena.1mk (Instagram)

Organiser: @padangbolasepak (Twitter & Instagram)

Padang Bola Sepak Admin