Community 1v1: Kizito

Community 1v1 is a new series on the website. It is a space where we ask eight simple questions to people across the football community and they share us about themselves and their work in football community.

This week we have Kizito Somadia Ezeneche, who is a sports coach and a personal fitness trainer. Those who are involved with the amateur and social leagues across Selangor will know who he is. Enjoy reading his story!


1)Tell us about yourself?

My Name is Kizito Somadina Ezeneche.

I'm a Sport Coach (Football) and also a Personal fitness trainer.

I started my dream as a Pro football player in Nigeria, came to Malaysia to pursue my dream but unfortunately, it was the few years Malaysia had banned on foreign players . although I played a little of semi pro and major amateur leagues , Due to some injuries I didn't push forward on that.

I started coaching in 2014.

Since then I had an amazing journey, got my football coaching certificates and other sports cert too.

I'm the founder of 1Goal international Sports Academy.

We offer a variety of sports. We specialise in Football.

Our football programme is on Saturday and Sunday mornings. 9:00am - 11:00am. Players between the age of 6yrs old to - 17yrs old.

We also have a team for those who are above 17yrs old (Fc Milan) we play in the social leagues.

2)Why are you so passionate about sports?

Sport for me is like a religion. Left my country at a very young age to pursue my dreams of being a pro footballer.

I'm inspired to see youngsters who are dreaming now like I did and want to help them achieve their goals.

A good success story will be that of Imran Bin Abdul Rahman. He's Been training with me since the age of 12yrs old. Now at Malaga Spain playing for the team.

There are also some boys under my guidance who have gone to trials to big teams or experienced big teams playing. And are eager to play in one of those teams.

So I will generally say I love sports so much because it brings me so much happiness having to dream big or see others who are working towards it to make it happen.

3)Is there a coach or an athlete that you look up to as a role model and why?

In my playing days, I have always looked up to Zidane. He's been a good role model for me and I have learnt Alot from him.

And now he's a coach, I also look up to him. The way he managed a big team like Real Madrid. And winning major titles even in his first sessions.

On the fitness side.

I would say a guy called Professor Rano from Singapore.

He was a bodybuilder. Was diagnosed with stroke and heart attacks. Lost his sense of speech, Doctors say he has 6 months to live but now it's been 5yrs and he has fully recovered and speaks perfectly.

So when I got to meet him and invited him to talk to my players in a camp. He inspired me so much and I can see why being fit and healthy is important to life.


4) Describe your major highlights and achievements in the past?

I) Two consecutive Selangor super league (FAS) with Southern FC,

ii) winning the Prestige Cup With SKJ,

ii) Played 3 consecutive SCL with Southern (Semi finalist in 2 seasons.)

As a coach I had many achievements too.

i) winning the AirAsia tournament with my u10 & U12 of FC 1Goal Academy.

ii) Winning the Garden Social League with my U17's & U18's

For 2 consecutive seasons.

Division 4, Division 3, now in division 2 sitting in 2nd with just 1 point and 3 games to go.

iii) Winning many school trophies with Cempaka Schools as I'm involved with coaching the schools too.

5) What does your daily routine look like?

My routines as a coach and a dad to my 2 beautiful twin girls wouldn't be any easier.

I woke in the morning as many people do.

Being a coach and personal trainer. Mornings, evenings and Nights are packed with training.

So I do personal training most of the morning and team training in the evenings and again personal or team training at nights.

A busy daily routine with training for me and I do my best to spend time with my 2 princesses and family . That's a responsibility I cannot run away from.

6) What are your preferred pre-game, locker room, and post game routines?

As Player I always have my music on. It helps reduce being too nervous before a game and I will have a cold shower just before the match.

Now as a coach is much different, you can never be ready, so A Lot of preparation is needed.

Usually before warm up I brief the boys on the tactics we are to play.

After warm up we talk briefly on the opponent 's way of playing if we know.

And most importantly getting the boys mentally ready for the games.

After games, we don't have much to talk about the game, we leave it in the next training.

Everyone takes shower and goes home.


7) Are there any short term goals you’d like to accomplish in the next few months?

Nominated by the fitness Accolades 2021, winning it would mean alot to me.

- I am an online fitness trainer, I post videos on IG & FB daily ( KizzyTrainings).

I would like that to grow tremendously since A Lot of things are being done online these days.

- Looking to grow my football community both young and adult.

8)Where do you see yourself in five - ten years time?

In 5 - 10yrs time, I would like to create a proper football system that allows young football players to follow the steps in achieving their dreams and where all things are possible both in football and in the fitness aspect.

Through my Academy (1goal International) I will work on making this system happen.


Thank you Kizito for sharing your story with us on this new series on, Community 1v1. Thank you for being a kind and giving human being for the grassroots football community in Selangor. And we wish you all the best for all of your incoming hard work. Subsequently achieve your ambitions and dreams for yourself and society.
