Community 1v1: Mutiara

Community 1v1 is a new series on the website. It is a space where we ask eight simple questions to people across the football community and they share us about themselves and their work in football community.

This week we have Mutiara Bahir. Those who are involved with the amateur and social leagues across Selangor. Especially with Challo FC and Women’s football will know who she is. Enjoy reading her story!


1. Tell us about yourself? 

Mutiara, 0 knowledge in football but trying my best to learn the tricks of the football industry. I’m the crazy dreamer at Challo FC, the gossip girl at FAS Innovation Hub (previously Football Selangor Innovation Hub)  and the ambitious admin at Women In Football Malaysia


2.Why are you so passionate about sports?

I love sports, it releases endorphins. I love football in particular because it teaches many values applicable in  life. 


3.Is there anyone in football who inspires you and why?

Ornella Desiree Bellia - Head of Professional Football - FIFA

She joined FIFA in late 2019 and to date has introduced and overseen many programs that benefit the club professionally. She was just recently diagnosed with Cancer and is fighting it like a champion, in a FIFA jersey of course. 


4.Describe your major setback to date?

To have been given “what is this girl doing here?” look almost everywhere I go.



5.What changes would you like to see?

To see more females working in football and gain the same respect as male, by merit. 


6.What are your preferred pre-game, locker room, and post game routines?

Challo FC random silly pre-game talk and banter just to boost the morale of the team and as for the post game routine, listening to some lame jokes from the boys and laughing at our own performance.


7.Are there any short term goals you’d like to accomplish in the next few months?

I’d like to complete a Global Masters in Sport Management and Legal Skills with FC Barcelona program. As far as Challo is concerned, I’d like to see Challo FC play in Selangor Championship League for the first time. We don’t need to be winners, it's enough for us to play and try our best.

8. Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Enjoying football live matches at different stadiums/ football pitches around Malaysia, Asia and Europe. 
