Ramadan Kareem 1442


“Ramadan Kareem” is an Arabic greeting that translates to “A generous Ramadan”. This phrase carries with it a deep responsibility for those who articulate it. It is a reminder to demonstrate our generosity and compassion to the poor, the less privileged, and share with them our blessings. It is a reminder that some people have been fasting for several months due to poverty, and it is our duty to help provide them with necessities. It is a reminder that some people wait all year for this month to enjoy a proper meal. Ramadan is not only for Muslims, but it is also for the billions living in poverty around the world, it is for humanity. #RamadanKareem.

We from Padang Bola Sepak and REKREASI would like to wish everyone a blessed Ramadan Kareem that will inspire you with courage and strength that will help you to win every challenge of life!

Padang Bola Sepak Admin