Sponsoring a Women's Football Team

Sponsoring a Women's Football Team by Women In Football Malaysia 

What are the benefits of sponsoring a women's football team? 

This list is for you,

  1. Lets say there're 12 women teams, 12 matches ideally. Every time the teams play, your logo is visible on the field and on digital platforms. Not just on the teams' social media accounts but also on FA Selangor social media accounts. Hence, sponsoring a women’s team exposes brands to a wide range of viewers at a potentially discounted price.

  2. So you have ready followers, be it on your private account or business account. It's time to show to your followers that you care. Not only is association with a women’s team good for the profile, it can also be a positive move for the brands themselves. It can prove that you care about women’s sports and are doing something to make a difference, by investing in women’s sport and helping to raise its profile.

  3. Now that you have sponsored, guess what? Sports excites consumers. Pile onto the excitement by partnering with a women's team to put the brand and mission in the heart of the exciting conversation. It can help promote a new store opening or product testimonial which can increase interest in the press release and its eventual circulation.

  4. Do you know that ultimately you are helping to create job opportunities in a safe environment compromising of only women?

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