Football Association of Selangor: Play It Forward

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The Football Association of Selangor (FAS) is the centre of grassroots football development for Selangor  The focus is to increase efforts to provide as many football opportunity for everyone in Selangor regardless of age, race or gender

Becoming the leader and govern the football in Selangor including grassroots, community football, social football, amateur and semi-pro football.

FAS Vision

  • Uniting the football community in Selangor and producing ‘’Champions” among players, football clubs, referees, coaches and others

  • Forming a sustainable football ecosystem in Selangor

  • “Crafting Champions”

On June 14, 2021 - FAS launched the Play It Forward fundraising Campaign to aid affected Grassroots Football in Selangor. We from with Brand New Waves and Challo FC will officially be assisting FAS with this campaign. To do our absolute best to aid grassroots football in Selangor.

The following write up are from FAS on the GivingHub Asia page that was launched on June 14, 2021. In both English and Bahasa Malaysia:


We are well aware of the impact of Covid19 to our lives, the pandemic has disrupted how we usually functioned socially as human being. Now with SOPs pertaining to social distancing and MCOs throughout where we live and work.

Football for the majority of us is a social event or activity which is carried out daily, weekly or maybe just over the weekend for fun, to keep healthy and be competitive.

But did you know that there are individuals who have their livelihoods depend on football as their main source of income?

We at the Football Association of Selangor (FAS) through the pandemic have spoken to many such individuals listening to their plight. These individuals are made up of people ranging from grassroots coaches, photographers, physiotherapist, referees and grassroots program organisers and other ancillary providers too.

Through our conversation with them we come to understand that football has been a primary source of income or even a primary source of supplementary income which provides a significant amount for their families to give them a good quality of life. With the pandemic their income has been severely affected up to today and finding alternatives to survive has been challenging.

“The pandemic has brought drastic changes not only to adults but how about a child’s life? Confined to their homes, children have been locked away from their friends, peers, teachers and school and have not been able to play sports at all.

So, through this initiative besides these grassroots football providers another group that we are targeting are the children. In the past 14 months of the COVID19 pandemic children have been locked in and this has severely impacted their learning & physical development through sports activities.

As part of this program we will identify underprivileged children and invite them to be part of this football clinics. They acknowledge that the stress of having close to no income at all throughout the pandemic period is clouding their ability to make sensible and clear decision to find for an alternative income source and/or pivoting to a different industry altogether.

From what we at FAS gather there is a need for a bridging support for these individuals for a certain period of time. Counselling and some mental health support is necessary to help them to manoeuvre the current pressing situation.


Providing a supportive bridge to these individuals by our donation drive titled “Play it forward: Pay it forward”

The supportive bridge will be in the form of monetary support and mental health counselling support provided by FAS through our “Play it forward: Pay it forward” initiative, of course with your kind help to by donating to our initiative.

How does “Play it forward: Pay it forward” work you may ask?

We are looking to pay grassroots coaches, photographers, physiotherapist, referees and grassroots program organisers and other ancillary providers in advance (pay it forward). They would then provide their actual services once the MCO is lifted and sports activities are allowed to be carried out.

In addition to that some of the funds from this initiative will also go towards covering cost for counselling services for participants. We feel this well aid them in their decision-making process to assess and to take necessary actions in their lives.

We are looking to organise 10 grassroots football clinics for kids and get the mentioned above providers to provide their services during the programs.


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else can. Sport can awaken hope where previously there was only despair (Mandela 2000).”

This fundraising initiative will allow a much-needed breathing space to sports providers who are severely impacted by this pandemic. We strongly believe this initiative will allow them a safe space and time period to reassess and realign their lives for the future.

Goal Breakdown

Goal 1 - 1 football clinic with 1 mini tournament for 100 kids run by 15 members of the grassroots community. Amount Needed: MYR3,000.00

Goal 2 - 10 football clinics with 10 mini tournaments for more than 1,000 kids run by more than 150 members of the grassroots community. Amount Needed: MYR30,000.00

Goal 3 - 2 hour coaching clinic and 1 mini game for 30 children by 1 coach + 1 photographer + Referees + Coordinator + Physio. Amount Needed: MYR800.00

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Ramai yang kita terkesan teruk dengan wabak Covid 19, aktiviti seharian yang menjadi kebiasaan kita kini terganggu. Kita semua akur bahawa tindakan yang wajar perlu dilaksanakan untuk memutuskan rangkaian. Penjagaan SOP ketika PKP ini telah membentuk norma baharu dalam kehidupan seharian kita yang mengubah perjalanan hidup kita semua.

Bola sepak untuk sebahagian besar daripada kita merupakan satu aktiviti yang dijalankan hampir setiap masa. Ada yang menjadikannya sebagai aktivit harian, mingguan dan ada juga yang menjadikannya sebagai aktiviti melepaskan stres, untuk menjaga kesihatan dan ada juga yang menjadikkannya sebagai karier dengan menyertai pertandingan.

Tapi tahukah anda bahawa ramai individu yang bergantung kepada bola sepak sebagai sumber pendapatan?

Kami di Persatuan Bolasepak Selangor (FAS) semenjak mulanya pandemik telah menyaksikan dan berkomunikasi sendiri dengan individu-individu tersebut, mendengar rintihan mereka. Kumpulan individu ini terdiri daripada para jurulatih, jurgambar, ahli fisioterapi, pengadil serta koordinator program dan ramai yang terlibat secara langsung.

Melalui perbualan dengan kumpulan ini, kami faham dan maklum ada yang menjadikan bola sepak sebagai sumber utama pendapatan ataupun sebagai sumber tambahan untuk menampung kehidupan seharian mereka. Dengan keadaan pandemik ini yang menghentikan bola sepak, pendapatan mereka terkesan dan sehingga hari ini, ramai yang mencari alternatif lain untuk menghadapi situasi mencabar ini.

"Pandemik ini telah membawa perubahan drastik bukan sahaja kepada golongan dewasa bahkan kehidupan kanak-kanak. Terkurung di dalam rumah, anak-anak ini terhalang daripada aktiviti sosial fizikal bersama rakan-rakan, guru-guru dan sekoolah mereka. Aktiviti sukan juga terpaksa dihentikan buat mereka."

Tedapat juga individu yang akur kesukaran ini telah sedikit sebanyak menjejaskan kesihatan metnal mereka dan menyebabkan kesusahan untuk menstabilkan emosi. Ada juga yang mula mencari alternatif untuk terus menukar kepada industri lain dan meninggalkan bola sepak.

Daripada apa yang kami dapat rumuskan, terdapat kepentingan dan keperluan tinggi untuk membina sistem sokongan untuk individu yang terkesan ini. Kaunseling dan sokongan kesihatan mental perlu disediakan untuk membantu mereka melalui masa getir ini.


Bersama kita memberi bantuan dengan kempen sumbangan "Play it forward: Pay it forward"

Antara sokongan yang akan diberikan adalah dalam bentuk kewangan dan perkhidmatan sokongan kesihatan mental daripada pihak FAS melalui kempen "Play it forward: Pay it forward"..

Bagaimana kempen "Play it forward: Pay it forward" ini akan berjalan?

Kami ingin mencari kumpulan individu bola sepak akar umbi yang terdiri daripada jurulatih, jurgambar, ahli fisioterapi, pengadil serta koordinator program dan lain-lain untuk mendahulukan pembayaran khidmat mereka. Apabila bola sepak kembali dibenarkan, khidmat mereka akan diberi kepada kumpulan kanak-kanak yang juga terkesan sepanjang pandemik ini.

Sebagai tambahan, sebahagian daripada dana sumbangan ini akan digunakan untuk membiayai khidmat kaunseling untuk mereka yang terkesan. Kami percaya perkhidmatan dan bantuan sebegini akan membantu kesihatan mental mereka.

Selain membantu kumpulan individu bola sepak akar umbi, kumpulan lain yang ingin kami bantu adalah kumpulan kanak-kanak. Semenjak 14 bulan yang lalu, kegiatan aktiviti seharian mereka yang terhalang telah menganggu pembangunan pembelajaran dan fizikal melalui aktiviti sukan. Sebagai salah satu sasaran utama kempen ini, kami akan mengenalpasti kank-kanak yang terkesan untuk menyertai klink bola sepak akar umbi kelak bila keadaan mengizinkan.

Kami berhasrat untuk menganjurkan 10 klinik bola sepak akar umbi dan mencari golongan tenaga kerja yang terkesan untuk turut serta dalam program tersebut.


Inisiatif mencari dana ini akan memberi ruang bernafas yang sangat diperlukan kepada tenaga kerja bola sepak akar umbi yang sangat terkesan dengan wabak ini. Kami yakin bahawa inisiatif ini akan memberi mereka ruang dan jangka masa yang selamat untuk menilai semula dan menyusun semula kehidupan mereka untuk masa depan.


Matlamat 1 Klinik bola sepak 1 - 1 dengan 1 kejohanan mini untuk 100 kanak-kanak yang dikendalikan oleh 15 anggota masyarakat akar umbi. Amaun Diperlukan RM3,000.00

Matlamat 2 - 10 klinik bola sepak dengan 10 kejohanan mini untuk lebih daripada 1,000 kanak-kanak yang dikendalikan oleh lebih daripada 150 anggota masyarakat akar umbi. Amaun Diperlukan: RM 30,000.00

Matlamat 3 - 2 jam klinik bimbingan dan 1 permainan mini untuk 30 kanak-kanak oleh 1 jurulatih + 1 jurugambar + Pengadil + Penyelaras + Fisio. Amaun Diperlukan: RM800.00

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