Reflection: Local Sports Apparel


On June 17, 2021 - The follow up after our Football Boots Talk on Twitter Space. We opened up the platform for Local Sports Apparel Brands to come on board to share their story. Kaki Jersi and Zush Sports respectively similar stories on how they started. From grassroots and steadily growing to serve people.

As the moderator - it was great to listen to stories of camaraderie between officemates, their humble beginning, how they respectively overcome challenges to strive better, aim to grow further, cooperation with other brand to strengthen the industry, and more.

There were quite a bit of questions regarding diversifying into other sports. Of course, the pandemic and its management due to the social nature of the business has prevented businesses such as them and the sports interested in working with them has been halted. However, everyone remains optimistic that once things are getting better, everyone will grow and benefit.

There was a lot to unpack and in the future we will have them back to continue share their stories to more people. This programs are just the beginning - there must be continuous refreshers to those who knows and to those who are just finding out about them and more brands. On to the future!

Go check them out and continue to support them!


Zush Sport

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