World Mental Health Day 2023

At, we are not just about sports; we are about creating connections, fostering inclusivity, and enhancing the well-being of our collective Malaysian society through recreational sports. On this World Mental Health Day, let's take a moment to reflect on our vision and mission as the Malaysian Association of Recreational Sports (PBS-Rekreasi):

Our Vision and Mission 

To promote the significance of engaging in sports for recreation and to instil values such as Respect, Responsibility, Integration, Initiative, Learning, Social Involvement, and Fun within our community – by the community – for the community.

To provide top-notch recreational sports programs, giving the public opportunities to engage in physical activities that improve their overall well-being.

To offer educational platforms that enhance community capabilities through sports and workshops.

To raise awareness about the importance of both mental and physical health.

To celebrate our unity in diversity through recreational sports.

To elevate social responsibility standards among our members and participants during our programs.

In our pursuit of these goals, we have organized numerous programs that have positively impacted our participants' physical, social, and mental health. Since our collaboration with the Football Association of Selangor began in June 2023, we have successfully organized 20 mixed futsal and football programs a month, that have brought our community closer together.

To infuse some of Ted Lasso's wisdom into our message: "Football is life," we aim to make that saying ring true through our recreational sports initiatives. We believe in the power of sports to inspire, heal, and unite people, just like Ted Lasso does.

But beyond sports, let us remember we are not alone on our journeys. We are together as one big community, committed to each other's well-being and growth. If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health, remember that help is just a call away. Here are some mental health helplines:

Cara Cara Mental Fitness ( | Instagram

The Red Clinic (@theredclinic) | Instagram

Malaysian Mental Health Association | Kuala Lumpur | Facebook

MIASA Malaysia | Petaling Jaya | Facebook

AloeMind | Facebook

Thrive Well | Petaling Jaya | Facebook

Thrive Well | Petaling Jaya | Facebook

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