Better Call Sukan : Episode Three

Episode Three: Featuring Mr Izrin Nabil, Secretary General of the Football Association of Selangor (FAS), we get to know Mr Nabil, apparently who, in a different timeline, could have been involved in hockey or badminton or as a full-time engineer, but his football love reigns. Alongside his work with the FAS, what is the difference between The Football Association of Selangor and the Selangor Football Club? Together with sharing the success stories, challenges, and hopes ahead for Selangor grassroots football onwards and upwards! 

Thank you to Mr Izrin Nabil for coming into the studio and providing Malaysian sports fans with an insight into what grassroots football is in Selangor! Let’s keep going! 

So, what are you waiting for? Tune in to "Better Call Sukan" and join the movement to celebrate the unsung heroes and captivating stories that make Malaysian sports truly extraordinary. Together, let's give every sport in Malaysia the recognition it deserves! Tune into episode three of Better Call Sukan!