K2K Juara Futsal Clinic @ PA Hang Tuah, PA Seri Sarawak and Field Trip to FA Selangor Training Centre
On the 19th and 20th of October 2024, K2K Juara by Think City, supported by The Football Association of Selangor (FAS) and Padangbolasepak, held two futsal clinics at PA Hang Tuah, PA Seri Sarawak and one field trip to FA Selangor Training Centre.
Here are photos taken by Nabil Jamsari from the morning of 19th October at PA Hang Tuah

Here are photos taken by Lekir from the evening of 19th October at PA Seri Sarawak

Here are photos taken by Lensa Wakaka from the morning of 20th October at the FAS Training Centre

Here are photos taken by Syed from the morning of 20th October at the FAS Training Centre