Real Chukai to Host the 2023 YBC Cup

Real Chukai Football Club ("Real Chukai") has announced that it will host the inaugural 2023 YBC Cup, which will take place at Mak Chili Mini Stadium, Kemaman, Terengganu in the final weekend of January.

The YBC Cup is a junior football tournament dedicated to football players aged 12 and under. The tournament has secured the participation of 32 teams from various states around the country, including Terengganu, Pahang, Perlis, Perak, Putrajaya, Negeri Sembilan, and Selangor.

The final match will be live streamed on the club’s Facebook page.

"After sending a team of academy players to various U12 tournaments across the country, we have decided to kick off 2023 by showcasing the depth of our young player pool, who are primarily from Kemaman by hosting a U12 tournament back home," said Amirrul Hakim, CEO.

"We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to YB Haji Hanafiah bin Mat, the state assemblyman for the sub-district of Chukai, who thoroughly understands the importance of grassroots football and has been very generous in sponsoring and spearheading our vision to become a major part of the global game."

This will be the first time that Real Chukai has hosted a grassroots tournament. This inaugural event was scheduled to take place in December of last year, but it was rescheduled due to the monsoon season. Feel free to contact their media officer, Hafiz at +60 19 988 3958 with any questions

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