#Throwback Write Up: Football Gives Back


The following is a throwback write up that I wrote on June 9, 2017. I feel it is worth re-posting the write up as it does apply to what's consistently going on.

"Earlier today, I have been in a particular neighbourhood just beyond the Kuala Lumpur city limit for some reason. Decided to head to this community-run urban farm garden that is smack right in the middle of a football field and the Klang River. That I visited with some friends of mine back in March 2017. Remembered tweeting about it in the past, then about it. On how much football can learn from community farming. As if you want to create something beautiful like a garden or a football team, one must build it around the eco, not around egos. Empower every element, for as every element has a role to play to make the farm, to make the team successful.

Places like this are such a rarity in an urban setting, (of course, urban kan). When these hidden gems are discovered and appreciated, these are nice locations to contemplate and reflect on so many things. One of the many things that came to mind is the theme of giving back/ contribution to the community and society through football.

Contribution can come in many, many forms. Be it financially, providing items of need, volunteering-labor support via your respective skill sets, or even moral support. Sky’s the limit to what we want to assist the community and in turn, society. As long as the contribution benefits the ecosystem and progress our current state forward. When we give back, we, in turn, empower those who need positivity in their respective lives and have hope to push on.

How can football give back? Football can contribute in many ways, again, you are only limited by your imagination. There are a few ideas that I want to share.

Once upon a time, suggested to a particular football team with their funder to sponsor a number of their players to get first aid kit training. So in moments of a medical emergency, there are those equipped to handle a critical situation. Moreover, the team can organize themselves with the international first aid kit training to conduct workshops between other community social football teams, local communities, and so on.

To encourage teamwork within your team together with helping the immediate community your team represents. Why not, conduct a monthly gotong-royong? Provide a priceless social service to your neighborhood by cleaning up clogged drains, weeding out the grass, and such. Or locate and work together with a local community provide aid to those who aren’t able to clean their own homes due to a physical disability or due to an overabundance of overwhelming responsibilities.

A friend of mine, in New Jersey, had mentioned to me that, there is a soccer team near where he lives that the team provides free after school hours tuition. For those who need extra hours to make the grade in their respective education levels. Don’t think that is impossible to do in Malaysia, just need the right resources to conduct such programs. Such programs that will forever be invaluable to those receiving the education they want.

Setting up a soup kitchen for the homeless is another gracious thing to do. While doing feed homeless programs, why not incorporate an element to empower the homeless people? From what I see mostly, these programs usually happen at open spaces. Then why not bring a ball, create two makeshift goalposts, and play a game of street football with them? A good friend once said, “The greatest footballer in the world is not even playing football.” Who knows, maybe you may be surprised.

You are only limited by your imagination in wanting to give back to the community, and society. Remembered speaking to a friend about the idea of having football academy players to having to learn the basics of farming and gardening. So the youth players can train themselves on the importance of maintaining and improving their hard work. Of course, growing their fruits of labor, learning what nutritional value that goes into their bodies to give that extra edge when playing the beautiful game. Without a doubt, grasp the knowledge about the types of grass used on a football field around the world. How each is different from another due to climate, soil, and such other factors.

To repeat, you are only limited by your imagination in wanting to give back to the community, and society. In the spirit of Ramadan, let’s find in our own creative way to assist to those in need in our community, and in our society. Football gives back."
