AFF Futsal Club Championship 2023

We compete as one.

Being part of a big family is never easy, everyone has his own way of doing things, his own preferences and goals. But one thing for sure, a family is an extensive support system in which each and every person brings his own specialties to accomplish something achievable only by being together.

In Pahang Rangers just like in any other club, we have our ups and downs and we go through arguments, fights, disagreements and feel hurt but we never lose sight of our shared mission. Every day is a learning process for us, every day brings new challenges and new hopes - very much like the rainbow after the rain. We brave each thunderstorm and enjoy every sunshine together in the most cliche way. 

The Asean Football Federation (AFF) Futsal Club Championship is something we didn’t expect as our main focus currently is the Malaysia Premier Futsal League (MPFL). We take AFF as a blessing, a bonus and a competition in which we must try our best. Each and every one, be it the interns, the proteges, the admin, the kit man, the sponsors, the manager, the coaches, the players, the management committee or even the social media team, in short, everyone has his fair share of contribution. 

We go as one, we compete as one. Malaysia, we carry your name with us. Win or lose, we put our best foot forward for our dream is the dream of Pahang and her people. The community that has given us unconditional love and support. 

Futsal unites us. AFF Futsal Club Championship 2023, 1st - 8th May 2023 at Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.

This article was written by Mutiara Bahir.

Email us your essay with a photo attached at and we’ll post on the website as well on social media.⁣
⁣Thank you and take care brothers and sisters.

Padang Bola Sepak Admin