Announcement: Introducing Liga Gila. A Social League Alternative.


Objective And Mission Statement

Community and social football leagues all over the Klang Valley has been growing exponentially for the last five years, which is fantastic. However, nearly all of them are being played at a competitive level, which is not wrong per se, but it sidelines participants who wish to partake and play the sport on a more casual level, without the drawbacks of a highly charged game where they might getting hurt physically or be under immense pressure, and be able to play or learn football at their own paces. 

This is where Liga Gila by padangbolasepak,com comes into the picture. Coined over a conversation between me, Haji Jes Izman Izaidin, whom I consider a great teacher, and some close friends about the state of society in football,  the name “Liga Gila”, is a play on the words ‘Liga’, meaning league, and ‘Gila’, meaning crazy. We call it crazy because it’s different from the conventional competitive social leagues that are currently being run, and instead it’ll be more focused towards the social side of football. Players will also be able to learn with more experienced players, who would be more than happy to share their progressive football knowledge, and over time, hopefully improve their personal and collective game. already has over a year’s worth of experience in organising futsal and football sessions for the community. Our sessions has connected strangers from all around the Klang Valley to become friends off and on the field. At the moment, is highly committed to expanding this platform of a positive social football for genuine social players who wants to play for the merriment of the sport, and not for those who seek to use Liga Gila as a route to become a competitive professional footballer. There are other community and social leagues that can provide that platform out there. 

As stated previously, Liga Gila aims to provide a platform for people who wants to play football for fun, or as an exercise, as well as learn on how to play better as individuals and as a team, in a non-competitive environment. Achieving small targets like getting to touch the ball, completing a pass, working together as a team, learning about the laws of the game, and many other unseen aspects of the football, would be the main aims rather than winning or completely obilerating the opposition.

Ultimately, it is a place for football enthusiasts of all to enjoy the game, and become comrades through the love of football.


Format and Schedule -

Full field - 11-a-side-football.

League - The set up for this league will only be run for three nights over three weeks, on:

April 23, 2018, April 30, 2018 and May 7, 2018.

Monday Nights. 7:30PM - 9:30PM [8PM Kick Off].

UM Park, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Participants- Keen participant of the league will register through, up to 51 people maximum. It is open to everyone, who wants to play football for fun! Participants will notified* accordingly. Confirmed participants will be drafted into three teams. Managed by two managers, who will organise their respective team as well as emphasise their teams, that this league is all about having fun!

*Participants unlucky to not get a spot in this edition of Liga Gila will be on the waiting list. And will be notified if any confirmed participants wouldn’t be able to commit.

Teams - Each team will contain 17 players. A team is allowed to bring a guest player, IF, the team does not have a compliment of 14 players for match night. Guest player will be drafted from the waiting list. 

Match night - Each team will play two halves. Per match night, a team will have a break in the 2nd half. One half will be 25 minutes.


Rational - It is to maximise the chance for everyone to play football equally.


Entrance fee - RM10 per-person - for administration and commitment purposes - To be paid by the first match night.

Match night fee - RM15 - RM20 per-person - per-match night- Depending on how many people attend the match night - Inclusive of Field rental, referee, and water.

Guest player fee - RM5 per-match night.

Laws of Liga Gila - 

1. Play for fun, play to sweat it out, play safe emotionally, physically and mentally. Learn about the game, learn about each other, and learn about yourself through football during Liga Gila! Celebrate the game!

Management structure of Liga Gila

Organiser - will be organising the league.

Match Commissioner - will appoint a steadfast individual from the community built over the past year. Who will keep track of each match night as well as to ensure collection of payment to the venue and referees are met with ease.

Managers will appoint a consistent manager from the community built over the past year. Who will emphasise about the importance of having fun!

Referees -Super Bobai Cup, have gracefully assisted in securing a set of qualified and understanding referees.

Photographers - will provide action photos of the matches as well as portrait photos of each participant.

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Liga Gila Experience

All in all, wishes to make the three weeks of Liga Gila as enjoyable, memorable, educational, and fun as possible for every participant. As we want to maximise the value that each participant paid for to play in this crazy social league. Additionally, after the first edition of Liga Gila done, we would love to hear your feedback, as we want to continue to improve our commitment to serve your social football needs further!

Lastly, would love to pay respects to Haji Jes Izman Izaidin and Super Bobai Cup, for the amazing inspiration and motivation that steered us into this exciting direction. Haji Jes for coining the name as well as philosophical insight. Super Bobai Cup for consistently displaying a lot of great work and progress towards the social football scene in Klang Valley. For that, myself and the rest of the team, would love to say, thank you for making a huge difference for society and football!

SIGN UP FOR LIGA GILA! Click Here To Register!

We will notify you accordingly, latest will be on this Sunday, April 15, 2018. We hope to see you then and we hope you will, #Nikmatilah #LigaGila!

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