Dreams: The Theatre of Everyone's Future





plural noun: dreams

 a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.

"I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion"

synonyms: ambition, aspiration, hope;

an unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy.

"maybe he could get a job and earn some money—but he knew this was just a dream"

a person or thing perceived as wonderful or perfect.

"her new man's an absolute dream"

synonyms: delight, joy, marvel, wonder, gem, treasure, pleasure;




adjective: protective

intended to protect someone or something.

"protective gloves are worn to minimize injury"

synonyms: preservative, protecting, safeguarding, shielding, defensive, safety, precautionary, preventive, preventative, covering;

having or showing a strong wish to protect someone or something.

"I felt protective towards her"

synonyms: solicitous, caring, mindful, careful, wary, watchful, vigilant, warm, paternal/maternal, fatherly/motherly, gallant, chivalrous;





noun: fun

enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure.

"the children were having fun in the play area"

synonyms: pleasure, entertainment, enjoyment, amusement, excitement, gratification;

antonyms: boredom, misery

a source of fun.

"people-watching is great fun"

synonyms: ridicule, derision, mockery, laughter, scorn, scoffing, contempt;

antonyms: respect

playfulness or good humour.

"she's full of fun"

behaviour or an activity that is intended purely for amusement and should not be interpreted as having any serious or malicious purpose.

"the column's just a bit of fun"





adverb: together

with or in proximity to another person or people.

"together they climbed the dark stairs"

synonyms: with each other, in conjunction, jointly, conjointly, in cooperation, cooperatively, in collaboration, in partnership, in combination, as one, in unison, in concert, concertedly, with one accord, in league, in alliance, in collusion, side by side, hand in hand, hand in glove, shoulder to shoulder, cheek by jowl; informalin cahoots

"friends who work together"

antonyms: separately

so as to touch or combine.

"she held her hands together as if she was praying"

in combination; collectively.

"taken together, these measures would significantly improve people's chances of surviving a coach crash"




noun: future; noun: the future; plural noun: futures

a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.

"we plan on getting married in the near future"

synonyms: time to come, time ahead;

antonyms: past


adjective: future

at a later time; going or likely to happen or exist.

"the needs of future generations"

synonyms: later, following, ensuing, succeeding, subsequent, upcoming, to come, coming

"customers guarantee repayment at a future date"

antonyms: past