5 Best Players of FIFA 18: World Cup Edition

No, you did not read the title wrongly. We're actually gonna be talking about the best players overall in the game FIFA 18. It is not a misspelling of the FIFA World Cup 2018.

With that out of the way, lets get started with this list shall we?


Now to start things off, we obviously know that the top two players to play in this game are both Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi respectively. Really not much to say here since they've been the top two players in the game since...... well for a very long time. Ronaldo currently has a rating of 95 and Messi currently is at 94, not a surprise there. What's more of a surprise is the fact that both their teams got knocked out in the round of 16 #Banter. A quick note on the two since they're both really good players to use on their respective teams, I'd pick Ronaldo over Messi as I have a more fast play style that requires me to dribble less with one player but if you are someone who is more technically gifted with dribbling plays in game, by all means pick Argentina, you won't be disapointed.


And who else would follow the two GOATS if it's not the rolling menace Neymar himself. Of the top 5 players being posted here, Neymar is the only one with his team still in the running as of the time this article was published, the day before the quarter finals are being played. Another note on Neymar is the fact that despite being the best player on the Brazilian squad in the game, Brazil has the most balanced team of all the players on this list. And yes, I am putting it ahead of the team guy #5 is from!


Robert Lewandowski , what can I say about this man? Well, other than they had an underwhelming campaign during the 2018 World Cup group stages, Lewandowski himself couldn't even turn up in real life. Fortunately though, in game is a different story cause he's still a beast.

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And last but not least, the man who I love to hate, De Gea himself. Spain actually managed to Squirrel their way into the round of 16, just to get knocked out by Russia. De Gea though disappointed many (myself included cause I had him for my fantasy team) as the man who managed to handle the burden of Smalling and Jones at his club could not do so for his country. It was disappointing to watch but no fret, his in game stats still make him the best goalkeeper in game without a doubt. A title he shares with the other disappointment, Neuer.

So yeah, that's it for the list of 5 best players in FIFA for their World Cup mode. That being said though, there is a reason why I wrote this up. Mostly it's because of the fact that as good as you are stats why, you can never say that about real life as things change drastically as seen by how many of these players are still in the running for the world cup at time of publication. Another reason is because this Saturday, there's gonna be a Tiki-Taka Fiesta Fifa 18 Tournament. It's organized by Sungei Wang and well, it's good to have some knowledge of the players rather than none no?

So if you're interested to join, details are as below:

Place : Sungei Wang Plaza

Date   : July 7, 2018 (Saturday)

Time   : 10:00AM

Cash prizes to be won!

How to register? Just click on the image below!