Through The Eyes: Liga Gila Edition Two (Session Three)

Another Monday, another round of crazy football. Has three weeks really gone by that fast? It was the third round of Liga Gila already. Man, where has the time gone? I arrived a lot earlier so I can hang out by the small eatery next to the Law Faculty. Of course a few of the guys were there already so we just lepak until the time is near.


With Khal having a well-deserved holiday, Izham, myself and the others are holding down the fort. Although for some reason, the match commissioner Hussein is nowhere to be found (But he did show up later during our lepak session after each session). So I decided to step up and be the match commissioner.

Last week, teams were subjected to the Walking Football rules for the first ten minutes in the second half of matches as part of having a ‘Gila’ condition to liven up to the name of this league. This time though, we just couldn’t come up with another condition so everyone just played as normal.


Before the first match kicked off, we had a transfer. Rauf of The Incredibles had to be loaned to Monsters Inc. because the latter’s goalkeeper didn’t come and their back-ups also wound up late.


There were some firsts in this session. This is the first time in this edition that a team has scored three goals in one match. That distinction goes to Toy Story in the second match. Zulfo switched from being a centre-back last week to the mains striker this week and bagged himself a brace in this match.


And Monsters Inc. won the first penalty given ever in Liga Gila in the third match, but Pipi (Or PP, don’t know how to spell his name out. I’m so sorry) skewed his penalty wide. Although, he did redeem himself when he scored later on.


Of course, there were a few bloopers. The Incredibles’ Fazz helped herself to a goal when she took advantage of a defensive mix-up and scored inside Rauf’s near post in the first match. However, The Incredibles were at the wrong end of two other mishaps later on in the night.


In the second match, Jerol of The Incredibles was handed a chance on a golden platter when a backpass went to him in the box. Despite having such a wide target range just right at the goalmouth, poor Jerol somehow shoots wide of the far post. Then in the fourth match, a backpass was too strong and went past The Incredibles’ keeper, Henry. Of course given how fast he is, Solihim of Monsters Inc. takes advantage and scored into an open net.

Everyone of course had a good laugh as usual. Really hope the way I write those incidents above doesn’t rub people the wrong way. If I do, I strongly apologize. I became a lot more detailed in my writing so that I can provide a much solid write-up of what happened.


Some other notable goals include Solihim, using his sheer pace being a main factor, scored on two separate occasions (One in the first match and one in the final match), his teammate Mani scoring from an extremely tight angle in the third match, Has (Toy Story) scoring a wonderful free-kick at a good distance and Jerol also was too fast too handle on the right-wing to tee up Fazz for The Incredibles’ equalizer in the fourth match.


Can’t believe next week is the final round of this edition. Let’s hope we end it bigger than a fireworks’ bang. See you all next week!

Do check out the gallery below for the first batch of pictures that are out. There are still other batches to come so don't be too sad if you don't see your picture yet.

Also, here's a shout out to @shahamirul for always being around to helps us with the pics!

And batch 2 is done! Here, check them out in the gallery below: