Liga Gila Presents Rekreasi Bola 8 : Final Night
April 25, 2019, Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur - The Liga Gila Family is back! This time with a new format, every Monday nights Rhino Arena, Kelab Sultan Sulaiman, Kuala Lumpur.
Program: Rekreasi Bola 8
8 A Side Football.
One Field split into Two.
Per game is 25 minutes.
Total of three games. One team faces three different opponents.
Four teams.
14 Participants per team.
Total of 56 participants
Objective of the new format:
To have more participants to join the recreational football program.
To have the participants encouraging each other to work together as a team in a smaller field dimension.
To have the participants to have more touches.
To have the participants to grow their confidences through the spirit of recreational football.
Sign up as a peserta bola sepak
4. Notification of participation.
4.1. Days before a recreational football session, the admins will consult the database. They will filter and accordingly contact you. Depending on the format of the program, spots for the session will be limited.
4.2. recreational football department is operating on a limited resources. Especially in terms of the number of field that we can conduct our program. We hope to secure more resources in the future to develop more recreational football program for all who sign up to enjoy! - Rekreasi Bola Sepak Terms & Condition Sign Up Sheet.
Final Night Photographer: Nin Photography

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