A Different Kind of Cerita Bola | #KaranganBolaSepak

A Different Kind of Cerita Bola | #KaranganBolaSepak by Sivan John

The game of bolasepak has always been a constant factor in my life. Whether it is in my personal, work, dating, relationship or soon to be God willing marriage life, bolasepak will always be the focal point of my existence.

 Right from the beginning it was obvious that with whoever I’m going to settle down with, she has to acknowledge and recognize the bolasepak in me. Anything less means, there is no future for both of us. After all she has to remember before she came into my life, I've been happily married to bolasepak for more than three decades.

So from the looks of it, you might think that my holy matrimony with bolasepak has been a long and blissfully one. Well, you’re not incorrect to say that. Yes, I’ve always maintained a consistent loyalty to bolasepak.

However it can be a bit of a stretch to say that I’m the ideal husband in the world of bolasepak. Sure enough I love bolasepak and would never forsaken it for something else. But at some stage in my life, other bola have also seduced; forcing me to commit some sort of bola infidelity. 

In 1995, I became enchanted by bola rugby after witnessing at first hand a dynamic and powerful Kiwi smashing an English wall. I got more interested in bola rugby years later thanks to a group of wild cats that can be found in the region Patognia. Together we had some memorable fling especially during the 2007 World Cup. 

Of course growing up in the 90s when the Dream Team, Space Jam, Nike Air Jordan and Chicago Bulls cap was the flavour of the moment, I was also beguiled by the splendour of bola keranjang. We often spend a lot of time at this place called NBA which is still popular even to this day. 

Whenever this bola gets thrown from outside the D-box or being dunked into the hanging rim, you can’t help but to start to feel this trembling orgasm running all over my body. Even the hardcore bolasepak lovers will know this.

For a brief moment in my life, I got so engrossed in having an affair with bola cricket. Though I’ve been following this bola for a long time, it was only nine years ago that I finally understood this bola better. Yes, even some bola like to play hard to get. You need to have some patience and comprehension.

What I like about this bola? For many, it must be the swing of a bat but I was more attentive to its ability to spin all kinds of stories. Sometimes it breaks your leg, other times it slides through you before you even know it. For this bola, spinning is a subtle art, you either master it or you don’t.

Then there is my long distance romance with bolasepak Amerika. It's arguably the most misunderstood bola ever. For many it doesn’t make sense when 99% of the time this bola never gets to be sepak in the first place. That’s because the beauty of this bola is how it gets thrown and carried by its signal caller. Often I’m being asked why do I get myself tangled in such dalliance and I can see why, haha!  

Not to forget the long list of other bola. Such as the curviness of bola baseball, the bounciness of bola tennis, the sexiness of a bola tampar and the heaviness of a bola hockey. If you start to build a non-partisan mindset, there is something tempting in any kind of bola.

But when all is said and done, it is the bolasepak, the real bolasepak is what I will come home to. After all, the comfortness of a bolasepak is unparalleled when compared to any kind of bola. 

But this article of mine, isn’t about determining which is a better bola. The bottom line is how so many kids from all over the world (in the same words as renowned grassroot coach, Tom Byer) fall in love with the bola before they knew anything else.

I can understand how mentaly challenging it can be for an adult to stay put at home during the  lockdown/movement restriction, no thanks to this covid-19 outbreak. So imagine how a child is going to cope in these difficult times.

So to give them some sense of calm and happiness, my advice to parents is to give your child a bola to play with. Don’t think of the bola as a mere toy, it's also a tool that can play the role of the most faithful friend and serve lifelong lessons. 

A bola has the ability to maneuver an innocent child’s mind unlike anything else. When a child has the power to grasp the bola, it will lead to a window of opportunities and possibilities. A bola can also build character and a sense of camaraderie between other kids.

Whilst I was writing this article, I started to look back at the moment when my folks gave me my first bola. I started to remember just how important the bola was to me (and still is) and how I would never let go as if my life depends on it. 

And I hope this article does the same for you!

With that said from us at The BOLA BOLA Show, Majulah BOLA BOLA untuk Negara!


Note from padangbolasepak.com: During the Restriction Movement Order 2020 Malaysia to combat Covid19 - Padangbolasepak.com encourages you from home to write essays about our beloved game of football. Can be anything. Why you fell in love with it? Your first game watching or playing? Friendships forged? Etc. Stars the limit. ⁣

500-1,000 / more words.⁣

The objective is simple. Sharing the joy of football. Challenge you to write about the joy you may want to share. As well as keep you occupied and encourage to write. Provided that you have nothing else to do.⁣ Email us your essay with a photo attached at contact@padangbolasepak.com & we’ll post on the website as well on social media.⁣

Thank you and take care brothers and sisters.