Let My Voice Be Heard | #KaranganBolaSepak

LET MY VOICE BE HEARD | #KaranganBolaSepak by Nurudin

It all started when a guy from Senegal, scored the only goal to knock reigning World champion France out from 2002 World Cup in South Korea & Japan. I was 10 at that time. I knew David Beckham because he is a famous guy but never heard of Papa Bauba Diop. To be honest, I didn’t know football at all. I just cheered because everybody did so.

The 2002 World Cup can be at RTM that time and I just watched as many matches as I can, just to understand the game. None of my family members fancy football as much until now, it was my late grandfather who invites me and talks football with me. Even though he himself, not a massive fan of football. It just a world cup thing.

I grew up on an island called Langkawi. I began to collect more knowledge about football from my neighbour who is a massive Liverpool fan. He began to talk a lot about Chelsea FC too. They just signed Arjen Robben. So basically he is the first player I knew not because of the name but by the look of the face and country of origin.

I began to support Kedah fully when I was 14, spending most of my time listening to live radio matches at my school hostel. Hasmawi Hassan, Marlon Alex James, Nelson and Victor Andrag are the names we sing. That moment I realise, what can I do to contribute? I start small. By writing match reports like newspaper news about my form 2 batches when we play football in the evening.

Some were impressed by my effort. Making our small school batch league look almost professional. With news hand-written, and players photo drew as a cartoon (yes I can draw cartoon). Then I knew, I have to pursue something in football.

I don’t have the physical nor the talent to be a successful football player. So I look into opportunities where I can thrive. Where I can contribute. My friend once ask me to be an assistant manager for the Management & Science University football team for the universities league solely because of my football insight. I begin to write a blog about football without readers, even work for Klang Valley League for a while. But didn’t find the opportunity enough to go forward.

Until a friend from my time with KVL approached me to cover for someone who’s unable to commit. As a commentator. For an IPT League final match between UPSI and UKM.  I said to myself; why not? In my first match of duty, many people said I did great. Some leaving comment of Facebook saying that “great commentary!”, “Great football insight!”. That is the defining moment. I know this my path.

I’ll continue to do football commentary for Selangor Champions League in 2019, recommended by a friend. My first ever semi-professional football commentary experience. Then I continue to do more and more friendly matches across Klang Valley, from FAS League to KVL. Learnt the right way of what a commentator should do from Mr Dez Corkhill and Stanley Bernand during a workshop. Started following world-known commentators such as Jim Beglin, Peter Drury and Clive Tyldesley on social media. Just to learn and know their way of doing it.

Now, I believe I was on the right path. A ladder ready to be climb. Some of my football commentator colleague already done a few games, but I still waiting for my chance to do Liga M3, Liga Premier and even Liga Super Malaysia. One day, maybe Harimau Malaysia match. I believe in that.

I wish that one day, my voice can be heard. I wish all my team can become a successful football commentator one day, and more and more people will show their talent that they can become a football commentator. A boy from Langkawi. Rises to make people love football again. That is my task. My contribution. One day my friend.


Note from padangbolasepak.com: During the Restriction Movement Order 2020 Malaysia to combat Covid19 - Padangbolasepak.com encourages you from home to write essays about our beloved game of football. Can be anything. Why you fell in love with it? Your first game watching or playing? Friendships forged? Etc. Stars the limit. ⁣

500-1,000 / more words.⁣

The objective is simple. Sharing the joy of football. Challenge you to write about the joy you may want to share. As well as keep you occupied and encourage to write. Provided that you have nothing else to do.⁣ Email us your essay with a photo attached at contact@padangbolasepak.com & we’ll post on the website as well on social media.⁣

Thank you and take care brothers and sisters.