Mental Health Fallout


Good day to everyone reading it has been quite a long while since I wrote anything that is subjectively meaningful on the website. A website that actually has a sizeable financial investment that is currently lacking content. No thanks to the pandemic and the mishandling of the pandemic by the authorities, but that couldn’t be the case. There should always be ways to keep being creative. Provided that one’s mental health decays it has been difficult to galvanise efforts to put up and churn up content on the site or creating meaningful initiatives.

I am sure a number of you already know that I am not controlling the padangbolasepak social media accounts. A friend graciously stepped in to help out handling the account while I do other things like finding funding for everything for padangbolasepak and our Non-Government Organisation, REKREASI. I am entirely grateful for my friend for stepping in to manage at the same time I notice that things got quite toxic on social media. And that it does eats up the optimism and good values that a lot of us has a way. So it was kinda of a good move to log off from social media quite a bit from time to time. To do other things as well as rediscover activities that been affecting people.

Throughout 2020, within and beyond the football community. I have quite a number of people who needed emotional and mental health support. I am grateful that they stepped forward and actively building ways to improve their emotional and mental wellbeing. Despite doing my best to help others, I forgot to help myself. I crashed and burn quite a number of times. Still am.

Sadly. I received verified information and hard evidence that there are those who I highly respected. Taunted my emotional and mental wellbeing, plus discrediting the importance of mental health. It’s disappointing to know these things especially when people do not want to communicate or even be curious to learn about it. It did hurt cause they didn’t want to have a polite dialogue but it’s best to just move on and keep doing honest work. If you are reading this, I am disappointed, I wanted to talk but you didn’t want to. Never-mind, we just move on with our lives and continue to work for the world we serve. Just remember why we do what we do, the love for the beautiful game, not for the wrong reasons.

Anyways. At this point of time, I am happy that there are people who are helping others in as many ways that they can within their own capacity. Taking the mental health subject firmly and learning to apply useful things to help others. In that, I want you to do your best to take care of your emotional and mental wellbeing. Yeah times are difficult.

To share with you , I had a lot of things lined up for padangbolasepak, REKREASI, my family, and my friends, But due to the mismanagement from the government going into 2021. Confidences from potential sponsors, investors, benefactors, and more dropped significantly. Especially when there’s no significant attempts towards sports. Basically, suffered a lot. Also I could have sold my soul to quite a number of organisations. But my conscience wouldn’t allow me, thanks mom, dad, Arsene, and others for teaching me good and honest values in life. Hence the reason why we are quite slow moving on up as we are quite stubborn like Bernie Sanders.

Going into 2021, my anxiety and depression stats steadily rise, and in the last seven days, I suffered two panic attacks. I had panic attacks before, but these were quite bad. I did see the doctor for a check up. The doctor did noted that it is stress. The irony of the doctor telling me to take it easy was hard to digest as we are living in an irresponsible setting created by those above us in the final room of power.

I am doing my best to take it easy and one of the best ways is to actually unwind and compartmentalise the toxic culture. While keep recognising that these things are happening, and I have to do something about it. Like when, the situation gets better continue the recreational and communal efforts through sports in order to build a better society. We have done it before with a few hundreds and we want to that add on to thousands and to tens of thousands across Malaysia.

Going forward for the website. There are plans for more write ups from myself, hopefully and more writers who expressed that they want to write football here.

#KaranganBolaSepak to return? We will see. To share, wanted to make it into a contest like the commonwealth essay competition but a benefactor pulled out.

That will be all from me today. Until the next one.