Pitch Side: Liga Prihatin Ditangguh?
Photo source: SemuanyaBOLA
Penyokong Prihatin returns with another write up of worries regarding the possibility of football being postponed?
APA JADI???? It wasn’t long that wrote in here on pbs about “6 weeks away from our league to start. Has there been indications that we are on track? After a disappointing 2020 - our leaders in football needs to help up to show that there actually care for our local football and not see it go to waste in flames.”
But nothing is officially confirmed by the Malaysian Domestic League Governing body. As a fan seeing that Tweet from a well broadcast journalist. It is disappointment, if true. What about the sports bubble that the government was talking about but wait what are the steps from MFL to ensure they meet the requirements. Wait what about the teams? Do the teams have funding to do so? What is the faith from the sponsors? The timing of privatisation during this pandemic? Wait should this happened 10-20-30 years ago so that these things shouldn’t happen? What is going on????
If true, it is such a slap in the face for professional football for not being able to go to a level of other footballing countries like Japan.
Kita tunggu jika semua di atas kita prihatin untuk buat menyelesaian demu lencana di dada.
Written by Penyokong Prihatin
Pitch-Side: Is a new series by Padangbolasepak.com where passionate and eloquent football fans can share their sincerest thoughts about the state of the sport. Disclaimer, it is their respectful opinion on the matter, padangbolasepak.com just merely provides the space to host these honest write ups.