Twitter Spaces - Thank You

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Five episodes of the Twitter Spaces Program throughout June 2021.

  • June 8 - Grassroots Football Commentators

  • June 14 - Football Boots Talk

  • June 17 - Local Sports Apparel Talk

  • June 22 - Football Content Creation Talk

  • June 24 - Football Journalism Talk

I must express my sincerest thank you. To the speakers, for sharing. To the listeners, for tuning in.

We have always wanted to do a sharing session program since 2018. Be it at a physical setting or via a digital setting (podcast or video or webinar). It has been proven that these sort of programs (although in other sectors such as social, environmental, entrepreneurial, and more ) have given huge benefits for people who are still searching in life. To give them the boost that they need and gain wisdom on how to start or maybe get reinvigorated to continue on with the work. As well as for fans and the greater public to be enlightened about what’s going on. Be it the creative side of sports, journalism, football boots, and more.

However, for us, there are challenges. They have always been resources from equipment (hardware and software), having the right accessibility for people to easily access, the financial assets to execute the programs, human talents to be moderators, producers, find tuning the programs to that it hits the sweet spot of it being neither draggy or too quick, and more factors.

Thankfully with the new innovations in social media. Especially drop in audio functions have solve a few problems. But major problems are still there to keep going.

In the future, we hope to solve those problems and be as consistent as we can. To provide you the best conversations and stories for you to gain from to be inspired to create and contribute back on to the world.

Do not hesitate in contacting us via Twitter Direct Message, Instagram Message, or email us with comments, criticism, and suggestions.

As of June 25, 2021 - we have received quite a bit of them from speakers request, and going into other platforms such as Clubhouse and Instagram live, and more. In that to those who have asked, we are always open with collaboration, just reach out to us, and we will figure something out.

On a personal note - I hope this whole experience was cathartic for the speakers and the listeners. And for those of you who have frequently asked me what does cathartic means? The following is from The Cambridge Dictionary

CATHARTIC: involving the release of strong emotions through a particular activity or experience:

a cathartic experience.

I find it very cathartic to play football.

Next week, most likely I will be taking a break to rest and recover from this active burnout that I have been suffering for have it seems like a decade. Hopefully, after that we will have another consistent round of talks for you to tune in and participate. Provided there is one next week, it may be impromptu Twitter Spaces or Clubhouse programs just ranting about the system, yada-yada-yada.

Sincerest apologies from me on a few end on my style of moderation as well as on my writings. Again this burnout as affect my mental. Working on it.

Finally, catch you soon accordingly. Stay safe and stay sane.
