Reflection: Football Journalism


June 24, 2021 - Was episode 5 of our Twitter Spaces program. This time the sharing session was all about football journalism with Avineshwaran of The Star, Ash Hashim of Futbolita, and Ahmad Ridzuan of Vocket FC. They respectively shared how did they started out wanting to be a journalism along with the trials and tribulations that they went through in their careers and still going and growing.

In those stories that they shared they enlighten a lot of valuable nuggets. On integrity, responsibility, mindfulness, tenacity, continuously learning, and having a sincere drive of wanting to carry out an honourable job as a journalist.

And to start as a journalist is to do as much as you as within your boundaries. Start from the grassroots, build a strong foundation, learn about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. Then sharpening up to take on bigger challenges down the road. To that journalism is an active journey there is a no end. Majority of the journalist that we follow so far hasn’t retired, if they have they have done so very late. Because working to report news and stories for people are in their blood.
