Pitch-Side with New York Dutch Lions Nicole Jenal

Julia Bolhuis (Left) and Nicole Jenal (Right).

We from Padangbolasepak.com and the Malaysian sports community would like to express our gratitude to the New York Dutch Lions management for facilitating our conversation with their captain, Nicole Jenal. We aim to delve into the world of New York City-based clubs, inspiring the upcoming generation of women athletes in Malaysia and across the region to dream big and shatter the glass ceiling!

The following is our converastion interview with Nicole Jenal.

What's your preferred playing position on the soccer field, and what draws you to it?

My preferred position is center back, with left back as my second favorite. At center back, the whole field is in front of you and there’s a sense of responsibility that draws me to it as the organizer and essentially the last line of defense. 

Nicole Jenal in action.

Beyond soccer, do you enjoy any interests or hobbies that might surprise your fans?

Something that I would consider an interesting hobby of mine is running (since most soccer players don’t love it off the field). I’m training for a half-marathon! I also love doing puzzles with my family! 

Is there a soccer player or athlete who holds a special place in your heart and has inspired you throughout your career?

Naomi Girma (an American professional soccer player who plays as a defender for San Diego Wave FC in the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) and the United States national team.) in the past few years has served as an inspiration for me, as well as many others, as she overcame so much doubt and so many challenges to get where she is today. She has inspired my college career and motivated my love for the sport. College is a time in the US where many players lose their love for the sport, but looking at players like Girma remind me why I love it. 

Can you take us through a pre-game ritual or routine you follow to get mentally prepared for matches?

My pregame routine starts as soon as I wake up. I listen to as much music as possible the day of a game! I eat well before I play, but never too heavy, and go over game tactics so they are fresh in my memory. If the team doesn’t have a speaker going, I’ll always have my headphones on listening to music. It’s super important for me to feel locked in before we get to the field so I’m ready to go from the locker room. 

Do you have specific personal or professional goals and aspirations outside soccer that you'd like to share?

A goal of mine outside soccer is to work as a forensic psychologist. Essentially, I want to combine my degrees in criminal justice and therapy to work to see change in society for the better. 

Elaborate on your role as the Women's Team Captain for the New York Dutch Lions. What responsibilities and challenges come with leading the team?

Being a captain for New York Dutch Lions is an interesting role since we have such a short season. This makes it that much more important to ensure that the team bonds as a family and everyone is on the same page from Day 1. I’d say a lot of being a captain is knowing the players and being that connector from the players needs and feelings to the coaching staff. Having this relationship amongst the team where they know they can come to captains and everyone’s opinions will be heard is super important to having a successful team. I would also say leading by example is a huge factor, and one that I hold myself to. I am not the oldest or the best player on my team, but I know that I can lead by example and control my “controllables”, like working hard and setting the right example. 

With the addition of Intan Sarah, a Malaysian international player, in June 2023, how does the team encourage unity among athletes from diverse backgrounds?

Intan tops off our diverse roster in a way that really brings perspective to the whole team. It encourages us to learn about one another and look to help each other on and off the field with playing this season and living in New York. I feel as though having players with different backgrounds is what brings us closer; as we all can share our unique stories and yet still, we all are here because we love soccer. 

Having played alongside international talents, how crucial is cultural exchange within the team, and how does it contribute to the overall growth of players on and off the field?

I have played with internationals at the college and WPSL level, and I’d say that it as an experience that has taught me so much. Living with and playing with players who are so different from yourself truly teaches you about the world and shows you just how lucky you are to be playing the game we all love in soccer. Having a cultural exchange and stepping out of our comfort zones to share our lives and even speak new languages for many players shows how dedicated each one of us are and helps build the team mentality. Every player looking to sacrifice something and also learn about others shows our devotion and willingness to grow as people and athletes. 

Considering the club's Dutch influence, how has it shaped the team's playing style and overall culture?

I think it has strongly affected our playing style in a positive way. It has taught us to simplify the game and places great importance on the technical side of the game. I think this allows for players from all different backgrounds to get on the same page and truly know their teammates on the field as well. It has had an influence on our culture in that we see our coaches (3/4 Dutch) come in every day trying to be better for the team. They speak English with us and consistently show us how they are stepping out of their comfort zones for the team; displaying a perfect example of this sacrifice and dedication to the club. 

Reflecting on your soccer journey, were there challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them? What advice do you have for young female athletes navigating similar hurdles in pursuing their soccer careers?

A challenge I faced growing up was being told I had scoliosis, a twist in my spine that affects my back, and told I had to wear a brace to correct this and strengthen me. This was difficult in that I was in pain often and was in my brace for 18 hours a day as a teenager. I think that it made me stronger, even though it was difficult, and allowed me to love my time outside the brace and in sports. I gained an appreciation for my time without pain and without the brace in which I was usually playing soccer. For other female athletes dealing with an injury or diagnosis that makes playing sports a bit more difficult for them than others, I would remind them that your time on the field, or outside doing what you love is your free time to let all the rest of your problems go. I appreciated my time on the field so much more as it was a time where I really felt free. Injuries and setbacks will occur in your life, but it’s how you overcome them that makes you the player you are. Facing these things doesn’t have to be the end of the line and no matter the circumstance, sports can always remain a part of your life. 

What key steps are needed to encourage more kids from disadvantaged backgrounds to take up soccer and allow them to thrive?

I think that increasing availability is a huge step that can be taken to encourage more kids to take up soccer. Soccer is a sport in which all you need is a ball and the floor. Any surface can be your field and anything can be your goal. Just having a ball at your feet and providing this is a major step. I would also say exposure to the sport; whether in local teams or on television, would be a major encouragement for young athletes to take up soccer. Having this desire and familial love as well can truly allow young athletes to take up soccer and see support for the sport; allowing them to thrive. 

As a captain, what guidance would you offer to young female players in Malaysia and Southeast Asia who aspire to play soccer abroad, especially in North America and Europe?

Some guidance that I would offer to young female players in Malaysia and Southeast Asia who want to one day play soccer abroad is that there will always be a path for you to play and enjoy the sport. Whether it be college or professional levels or Sunday leagues, with the love of the sport take your opportunities to play and you never know what will come from them. Dutch Lions was a program I was unaware of, but it has brought me opportunities and the chance to keep playing in the WPSL. So my advice is just keep playing and keep bringing on this positive change because at the end of the day we are all doing what we love when we play so as long as it makes you happy, keep going. 

What goals does the New York Dutch Lions Women's Team aim to achieve in the upcoming seasons?

Our goal as a team is to be better every season. We improved upon ourselves last year, but that’s not enough. We want to continue to improve in our training sessions, team atmosphere, and eventually in our wins. 

Could you share any memorable moments or achievements with the New York Dutch Lions that have significantly impacted you as a player and captain?

An extremely memorable moment would have to be our first win. We scored first and were just counting down the seconds until the final whistle was blown. It was the clubs first win in history, and you could feel it from the players on the field, to those on the sidelines, and to the coaches as well. This moment made me so proud to say I am a captain of this team and it showed that we were there to compete and that we were going to keep surprising people in a really good way. 

Given the global popularity of women's soccer, how do you envision clubs like the New York Dutch Lions inspiring the next generation of female players?

I envision clubs like Dutch Lions and the WPSL will continue to inspire the next generation of female players through the growth and desire for professional soccer to exist for women. The WPSL falls below the professional league, the NWSL, but is not equivalent to the men’s secondary leagues. So as this league garners more attention, potential, and skilled players, I feel as though the “NY Dutch Lions” of all over the world will continue inspire girls and show them that their dreams are possible as many leagues with all levels of professional continue to grow worldwide. 

Thank you so much Nicole for taking your time to answer our questions!

Once again we from Padangbolasepak.com extend our heartfelt gratitude to the New York Dutch Lions management for facilitating this insightful conversation with Nicole Jenal—special thanks to Nicole for generously sharing her experiences and inspiring journey with us. We wish the New York Dutch Lions Women's Team continued success on and off the field.

As believers in sports as a powerful tool for social cohesion, we hope the New York Dutch Lions will consider Malaysia as a destination for a series friendly matches with growing women's football clubs in the region. On the objective is to foster a global bond, understanding, and opportunities through the beautiful football game! 

Once again, we wish everyone at the New York Dutch Lions all the best for the 2024 Women's Premier Soccer League season. 

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