K2K Juara Futsal Clinic @ PA Hang Tuah and PPR Seri Cempaka

On the 25th and 26th of May 2024, K2K Juara by Think City, supported by The Football Association of Selangor (FAS) and Padangbolasepak, held our second round of Futsal Clinic weekend at PA Hang Tuah and PPR Seri Cempaka. During this weekend, three FAS Ambassadors took part in the clinics: Daphney Teoh, a trailblazer in the local coaching scene; Zeem Ahmad, a world-renowned freestyler, who appeared at PA Hang Tuah; and Aina Suraya, a current active women’s national footballer and player for PNSB FC, attended the clinic at PPR Seri Cempaka.

Here are photos from the PA Hang Tuah Futsal Clinic taken by Luqman Faizin

Here are photos from the PPR Cempaka Futsal Clinic taken by Luqman Faizin

You can also access the photos from the clinics here: PA Hang Tuah and PPR Seri Cempaka