Redefine Problems: Throwback April 2016


NOTE: This is a write up written back in April 2016.

Our common definition of ‘developer’ within the Klang Valley bubble is, “Developing condos, towers & other structures.” There must be a change in that along the way, I hope that the definition of ‘developer’ changes to, “Developing social change & human development through programs such as community football on a football field & etc.”

Taking a step back from football for just a moment & dive into some philosophical notions. Human society these days has been very individualistic & greedy, there has been more “Me” than “We”. “I want to make money cause I want to be rich first before I go on to achieve yada… yada…yada…”

So when @zamspui shared this on twitter



Was quite distressed that, there are people in this world. Who are willing to take away the way of life of other human beings just to make money off it.



Former Malaysian international & football scholar, Stanley Bernard @fusoSTAN shared his fond memories of the field in question for development.

I confess that I am a criminal for sparking this issue 7 days later. When @ninordin tweeted about football fields earlier & directly to @nfdpmalaysia



I recalled the tweet sent out by @zamspui. And I want to dig up this concern again to the Malaysian public. I hope that Nizar, NFDP & maybe you could go on across the Klang Valley on a series of evenings. Go back to the football fields that forged dreams, friendship, camaraderie & community. To discover to what is the extent of this problem, is it a local problem or a city problem or a national problem.

So far to my knowledge, there has been no official data count about fields across the Klang Valley & if or not they are in good condition or even in used.

I remember in 2013, riding shotgun with my friend @haikalaris from Subang Jaya to Padang Merbok finding a suitable football field for our university department football team to train on. It took us a few evenings to find a suitable one, condition wise & logistically, so that no one from the team complaints that it is too far or “Oh have to pay?”

The possible root of the subject is ‘money’.  Are we intrenched too deep into making a living that we forgot to make a life?  That we are willing to raze a way of life for a local community social development just so that someone can make a few millions or possibly billions of it?  The word association for “Million” & “Billion” is too devoted to money.

It’s time to redefine, redefine the word, “Million” & “Billion” into “Instead of making a million or billion dollars, WE would like to positively affect a million or if possible a billion lives.”