We Keep Going!


On February 5, 2021. We initiated a fundraising campaign to help us keep going. This pandemic has been actively showing no mercy to the majority of us. I had been working hard to find and secure funding for our organisation. For us to keep doing what we are best at doing. Be it on the football pitch with recreational football or create innovative digital content or something progressive.

Despite the restrictions of movement control order (MCO) 2021. We were close to secure funding. To conduct a series of digital content for the public to participate in, win prizes, and creating job opportunities. Our website was close to being closed for good, so we need to secure this agreement. However, at the last minute, institutions pulled out due to MCO 2021. 

Hence the fundraising campaign initiative. We didn’t know how well it will be. It was mainly just about saving the website only. Saving the website helps to keep us going. It was nothing more or less.

The love that you showed when we kicked off the campaign was wonderfully inspired. I can’t thank you enough! I look forward to keeping on honoring this responsibility to help Malaysia and our global society through sports.

The collection we were able to raise as of February 11, 2021, is RM11,769.00, a portion of that will be used to keep our website operational. For the remaining amount, we are deliberating on how to grow to develop sustainable initiatives to increase the organisation as well as contribute back to our mission, vision, and objectives, with the current pandemic situation in mind.

There’s a lot of work ahead to develop honest foundations and growth. We look forward to sharing the developments as we keep going! - Warm Regards and Encouragement, Brother Khal
