Posts tagged essays
Bernd And Ifwat | #KaranganBolaSepak

It would cost me an infinite quantity of words and that too, won’t be enough for me to write everything about goalkeepers and being a custodian. What can I do? This goalkeeping thing is the only thing that I am capable to do, and I just simply love the fact about it. Even in social football, original goalkeepers don’t play themselves a goalie. They prefer to play up front, but that doesn’t work for me. Everywhere I go, it is a goalkeeper for me. As if it is a voluntary work rather than being forced. And of course I am aware of the pressure when you try to keep the ball out from entering your goal. It deeply hurts when every time a team concedes, spectators will question – as Petr Cech had said – “If a team concedes a goal, the first question is always of the goalkeeper,”. I mean, why this kind of question do even exist, when football involves eleven players on the pitch and not just goalkeeper alone?

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Angan-Angan Jadi Impian, Impian Jadi Cita-Cita | #KaranganBolaSepak

Jika anda punya minat, keghairahan, pasti anda akan berusaha untuk mencapai cita-cita anda bukan? Ingin aku kongsikan sedikit sebanyak pengalaman aku yang ku bangga-banggakan, yang ku kenang, yang akan ku ceritakan dekat anak cucu kelak. Lahir dengan susuk tubuh yang kecil, bersekolah pula di kawasan pendalaman, agak sukar untuk untuk aku menempatkan diri dalam sukan bola sepak ini. Dengan ketika itu pula bukannya seperti sekarang, penuh dengan kemudahan, petik jari sahaja.

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Forever | #KaranganBolaSepak

From the distance you see the floodlights. Mesmerised, you’re drawn towards the stadium. One foot after another with eyes peeled towards the lights ahead of you.

As you walk you’re aware that there are two, then ten, then hundreds alongside you. Treading the same path towards “Our Mecca”.

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